Copying a PKFK Representation to A-L

The Aggregate-Link representation can be used to represent any relationship represented by either the Primary Key / Foreign Key (PKFK) representation or the Junction Table (JT) representation.

In this page, we show by example how PKFK relationships can be copied into an A-L representation. (See Copying a JT Representation to A-L for the corresponding example where the relationship to copy uses the JT representation.)

Copying the PKFK Example of the Department-Employee Relationships to A-L

This example uses the PKFK representation for a Department-Employee relationship and copies it into an equivalent A-L representation. We are using MS SQL Server to perform these steps:

  • Create a database (pkfkDB) and define object relations DEPT and EMP
  • Populate DEPT and EMP object relations
  • Retrieve all DEPT-EMP pairs using the PKFK representation.
  • Define structure relations AGG and LNK for the A-L representation.
  • Use SQL to copy the PKFK representation to the A-L representation.
  • Retrieve all DEPT-EMP pairs using the A-L representation.
  • Account for orphans in the PKFK representation.

Create a database (pkfkDB) and define object relations DEPT and EMP.

/* mssql.pkfkDB.createdatabase.1.sql */
/* PKFK example - creates a database named pkfkDB. */
create database pkfkDB;
/* mssql.pkfkDB.createobjecttables.1.sql */
/*   Creates object tables for a DEPT-EMP relationship. */
use pkfkDB;
create table DEPT (
   DEPT_pk              char(6)   primary key,
   DEPT_departmentname  char(20)  not null
create table EMP (
   EMP_pk               char(6)   primary key,
   EMP_employeename     char(20)  not null,
   EMP_DEPT_fk          char(6)

Populate DEPT and EMP object relations.

/* mssql.pkfkDB.populateobjectrelations.1.sql */
/*   Inserts DEPT and EMP object records. */
use pkfkDB;
insert DEPT(DEPT_pk,DEPT_departmentname) values ('DEPT1','Engineering');
insert DEPT(DEPT_pk,DEPT_departmentname) values ('DEPT2','Marketing');
insert DEPT(DEPT_pk,DEPT_departmentname) values ('DEPT3','Sales');
insert DEPT(DEPT_pk,DEPT_departmentname) values ('DEPT4','Personnel');
insert DEPT(DEPT_pk,DEPT_departmentname) values ('DEPT5','Projects');
insert EMP(EMP_pk,EMP_employeename,EMP_DEPT_fk) values ('EMP10','John Smith','DEPT1');
insert EMP(EMP_pk,EMP_employeename,EMP_DEPT_fk) values ('EMP11','Jane Smith','DEPT2');
insert EMP(EMP_pk,EMP_employeename,EMP_DEPT_fk) values ('EMP12','Joe Smith','DEPT3');
insert EMP(EMP_pk,EMP_employeename,EMP_DEPT_fk) values ('EMP13','John Brown','DEPT2');
insert EMP(EMP_pk,EMP_employeename,EMP_DEPT_fk) values ('EMP14','Jane Brown','DEPT1');
insert EMP(EMP_pk,EMP_employeename,EMP_DEPT_fk) values ('EMP15','Joe Brown','DEPT2');
insert EMP(EMP_pk,EMP_employeename,EMP_DEPT_fk) values ('EMP16','Jim White',NULL);
insert EMP(EMP_pk,EMP_employeename,EMP_DEPT_fk) values ('EMP17','Jack Mills',NULL);

Here's what the Department-Employee example looks like graphically:

Figure 1. The Department-Employee PKFK Example.

Retrieve all DEPT-EMP pairs using the PKFK representation.

/* mssql.pkfkDB.selectusingpkfk.1.sql */
/*   Selects DEPT-EMP pairs using PKFK. */
use pkfkDB;
select d.DEPT_pk,d.DEPT_departmentname,e.EMP_pk,e.EMP_employeename,e.EMP_DEPT_fk
from DEPT as d left outer join EMP as e
on d.DEPT_pk = e.EMP_DEPT_fk;

The left outer join picks up childless parents (Personnel,Projects). A full outer join would also pick up orphans (not shown, see below).

The results of the preceding query:

Table 1. Retrieve DEPT-EMP pairs using PKFK representation.
DEPT_pk DEPT_departmentname EMP_pk EMP_employeename EMP_DEPT_fk
DEPT1EngineeringEMP10John SmithDEPT1
DEPT1EngineeringEMP14Jane BrownDEPT1
DEPT2MarketingEMP11Jane SmithDEPT2
DEPT2MarketingEMP13John BrownDEPT2
DEPT2MarketingEMP15Joe BrownDEPT2
DEPT3SalesEMP12Joe SmithDEPT3

Define structure relations AGG and LNK for the A-L representation.

In order to create an Aggregate-Link representation, we need to create the Aggregate and Link structure relations. Notice that the integrity constraints on these relations defines a (0,1)-to-(0,M) relationship to match the PKFK representation.

/* mssql.pkfkDB.addstructuretables.1.sql */
/*   Adds aggregate and link tables. */
use pkfkDB;
create table AGG (
   AGG_pk       integer   identity(1,1) primary key,
   AGG_DEPT_fk  char(6)   unique
create table LNK (
   LNK_pk       integer   identity(1,1) primary key,
   LNK_AGG_fk   integer   not null,
   LNK_EMP_fk   char(6)   unique not null

Use SQL to copy the PKFK representation to the A-L representation.

/* mssql.pkfkDB.copypkfktoal.1.sql */
/*   Copies PKFK DEPT-EMP relationship to A-L. */
use pkfkDB;
insert into AGG(AGG_DEPT_fk) 
   select DEPT_pk from DEPT;
insert into LNK(LNK_AGG_fk,LNK_EMP_fk)
   select a.AGG_pk,e.EMP_pk
      from AGG as a
         join EMP as e on a.AGG_DEPT_fk = e.EMP_DEPT_fk;

In the first step, this construction creates one aggregate record for each DEPT record. In the second step, it creates one link record for each EMP record with an EMP_DEPT_fk equal to some AGG record's AGG_pk. Childless parents (Personnel, Projects) are handled correctly but orphans (Jim White, Jack Mills) are ignored. (See below for SQL queries that account for the orphans correctly.)

Retrieve all DEPT-EMP pairs using the A-L representation.

/* mssql.pkfkDB.selectusingal.1.sql */
/*   Selects Department-Employee pairs using PKFK. */
use pkfkDB;
select d.DEPT_pk,d.DEPT_departmentname,e.EMP_pk,e.EMP_employeename,e.EMP_DEPT_fk
from DEPT       as d 
  right outer join AGG            as a on d.DEPT_pk = a.AGG_DEPT_fk
  left outer join LNK as l on a.AGG_pk = l.LNK_AGG_fk
  left outer join EMP       as e on l.LNK_EMP_fk = e.EMP_pk
order by d.DEPT_pk, e.EMP_pk;

Compare the results (below) of the preceding A-L query to the PKFK results (above):

Table 2. Retrieve DEPT-EMP pairs using A-L representation.
DEPT_pk DEPT_departmentname EMP_pk EMP_employeename EMP_DEPT_fk
DEPT1EngineeringEMP10John SmithDEPT1
DEPT1EngineeringEMP14Jane BrownDEPT1
DEPT2MarketingEMP11Jane SmithDEPT2
DEPT2MarketingEMP13John BrownDEPT2
DEPT2MarketingEMP15Joe BrownDEPT2
DEPT3SalesEMP12Joe SmithDEPT3

Accounting for orphans.

As indicated above, the SQL statements "to copy the PKFK representation to the A-L representation" would omit orphans. To include orphans, we need one more aggregate instance (i.e., AGG tuple) with a NULL valued AGG_DEPT_fk and an insert/select that inserts LNK tuples for EMP objects with NULL valued EMP_DEPT_fk with LNK_AGG_fk set to this new AGG tuple's primary key:

/* mssql.pkfkDB.accountfororphans.1.sql */
/*   Copies PKFK Department-Employee relationship to A-L. */
use pkfkDB;
insert into AGG(AGG_DEPT_fk) values (NULL);
insert into LNK(LNK_AGG_fk,LNK_EMP_fk)
   select a.AGG_pk,e.EMP_pk
      from AGG as a
         cross join EMP as e 
            where a.AGG_DEPT_fk is NULL and e.EMP_DEPT_fk is NULL;

The following table displays the results of the A-L select query (above) after accounting for orphans:

Table 3. Retrieve DEPT-EMP pairs (including orphans) using A-L representation.
DEPT_pk DEPT_departmentname EMP_pk EMP_employeename EMP_DEPT_fk
DEPT1EngineeringEMP10John SmithDEPT1
DEPT1EngineeringEMP14Jane BrownDEPT1
DEPT2MarketingEMP11Jane SmithDEPT2
DEPT2MarketingEMP13John BrownDEPT2
DEPT2MarketingEMP15Joe BrownDEPT2
DEPT3SalesEMP12Joe SmithDEPT3

A PKFK representation of relationship can be copied to an A-L representation with or without childless parent tuples and with or without parentless child tuples (orphans). (See Copying a JT Representation to A-L for the corresponding example where the copied relationship uses the JT representation.)

Page Content first published: November 13, 2007
Page Content last updated: November 13, 2007