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Santa Fe DataBase Solutions
PATH // > Relationship Cardinality Types
Database designers classify relationships by cardinality, an imprecise term that refers to the minimum and maximum number of child tuples related to one parent tuple and the minimum and maximum number of parent tuples related to one child tuple. (There is no agreed upon naming convention for different cardinalities. The Object Management Group's Unified Modelling Language (UML) is an attempt at standardization for names and graphical representation of relationship cardinality types.)
In an SQL RDBMS, the cardinality of a relationship type is determined by the UNIQUE / NOT UNIQUE and NULL / NOT NULL integrity constraints declared by the database designer on the foreign keys in the relation schema and enforced by the RDBMS. There are 2**2=4 combinations of these two integrity constraints that can be declared for each foreign key. With one-, two- and three foreign keys respectively, the Primary Key / Foreign Key (PKFK), Junction Table (JT) and Aggregate-Link (A-L) representations could potentially admit 4**1=4, 4**2=16 and 4**3=64 different relationship types respectively. However, NULL foreign key values can be ambiguous for JT and A-L, so that the actual number of effective types for PKFK, JT and A-L are 4, 4 and 20 respectively. Some of the A-L relationship types cannot be represented at all with the more traditional PKFK and JT representations.
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cardinality | Child_Parent_fk | comment | |
(0,1)-to-(0,M) | no | no | zero or more Child per Parent, not shared; orphans ok |
1-to-(0,M) | no | yes | zero or more Child per Parent, not shared; no orphans |
(0,1)-to-(0,1) | yes | no | zero or one Child per Parent, not shared; orphans ok |
1-to-(0,1) | yes | yes | zero or one Child per Parent, not shared; no orphans |
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cardinality | Jnct_Parent_fk | Jnct_Child_fk | comment |
(0,M)-to-(0,M) | no | no | zero or more Child per Parent, shared; requires UNIQUE(Jnct_Parent_fk,Jnct_Child_fk) |
(0,1)-to-(0,M) | no | yes | zero or more Child per Parent, not shared |
(0,M)-to-(0,1) | yes | no | zero or one Child per Parent, shared |
(0,1)-to-(0,1) | yes | yes | zero or one Child per Parent, not shared |
The primary key Jnct_pk in the Junction Table can be omitted, in which case the composite key (Jnct_Parent_fk,Jnct_Child_fk) is the primary key and must be declared UNIQUE. If Jnct_pk is omitted and the composite key not declared UNIQUE, the RDBMS will assign (and value) an invisible primary key attribute, implying that duplicate (Jnct_Parent_fk,Jnct_Child_fk) value pairs are allowed. (This is not usually what is desired.) If the composite (Jnct_Parent_fk,Jnct_Child_fk) is declared UNIQUE but not declared as the primary key, the RDBMS will allow NULL values for one or both foreign keys. (Also not usually desired.) NULLs are prohibited in primary keys, but allowed in composite "candidate" keys.
With two foreign key fields, the Junction Table representation potentially provides 4 x 4 = 16 cardinality types. (Each foreign key could be declared UNIQUE / NOT UNIQUE and NOT NULL / NULL, a total of 4 combinations.) However, a NULL value in either foreign key field of the Junction Table tuple is ambiguous. For example, a tuple (NULL, X) could imply that the child tuple has no parent, but there are no integrity constraints that would allow for (0,M)-to-(0,M) cardinality and still prevent tuple (Y, X) from appearing also in the Junction Table. What would be the interpretation in that case? What would be the interpretation of (NULL, NULL)? Both foreign keys Jnct_Parent_fk and Jnct_Child_fk should be declared NOT NULL.
To avoid ambiguity, only the 4 relationship cardinality types in Table 2 can actually be represented with JT.
The Aggregate-Link (A-L) schema is a new method for representing relationships. Figure 3 depicts it schematically.
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The following table lists the valid combinations of integrity constraint on the 3 foreign keys in the A-L representation: Aggregate_Parent_fk, Link_Aggregate_fk, Link_Child_fk:
row | cardinality | Aggregate_Parent_fk | Link_Aggregate_fk | Link_Child_fk | comment | |
1 | 1-to-(0,1) | yes | yes | yes | yes | zero or one Child per Parent, not shared; one or more Parent per child; no orphans |
2 | (1,M)-to-(0,1) | yes | yes | yes | no | zero or one Child per Parent, shared; no orphans |
3 | 1-to-(0,M) | yes | yes | no | yes | zero or more Child per Parent, not shared; no orphans |
4 | (1,M)-to-(0,M) | yes | yes | no | no | zero or more Child per Parent, shared; one or more Parent per Child; no orphans; requires UNIQUE(Link_Aggregate_fk,Link_Child_fk) |
5 | (0,1)-to-(0,1) | yes | no | yes | yes | zero or one Child per Parent, not shared; orphans ok |
6 | (0,M)-to-(0,1) | yes | no | yes | no | zero or one Child per Parent, shared; orphans ok |
7 | (0,1)-to-(0,M) | yes | no | no | yes | zero or more Child per Parent, not shared; orphans ok |
8 | (0,M)-to-(0,M) | yes | no | no | no | zero or more Child per Parent, shared; orphans ok; requires UNIQUE(Link_Aggregate_fk,Link_Child_fk) |
9 | Lattice(1) | no | yes | yes | yes | multiparents; zero or one Child per Parent, not shared; no orphans |
10 | Lattice(2) | no | yes | yes | no | multiparents; zero or one Child per Parent, shared; no orphans |
11 | Lattice(3) | no | yes | no | yes | multiparents; zero or more Child per Parent, not shared; no orphans |
12 | Lattice(4) | no | yes | no | no | multiparents; multichildren; no orphans |
13 | Lattice(5) | no | no | yes | yes | multiparents; zero or one Child per Parent, not shared; orphans ok |
14 | Lattice(6) | no | no | yes | no | multiparents; zero or one Child per Parent, shared; orphans ok |
15 | Lattice(7) | no | no | no | yes | multiparents; multiple children per Parent, not shared; orphans ok |
16 | Lattice(8) | no | no | no | no | multiparents; multichildren |
17 | Lattice(9) | yes | yes | no | no | zero or more Child per Parent, shared; no orphans; multichildren |
18 | Lattice(10) | yes | no | no | no | zero or more Child per Parent, shared; orphans ok; multichildren |
19 | Lattice(11) | no | yes | no | no | multiparents; zero or more Child per Parent; no orphans; requires UNIQUE(Link_Aggregate_fk,Link_Child_fk) |
20 | Lattice(12) | no | no | no | no | multiparents; zero or more Child per Parent; requires UNIQUE(Link_Aggregate_fk,Link_Child_fk) |
Notice that rows 1-8 and 17-18 have Aggregate_Parent_fk UNIQUE. If Aggregate_Parent_fk is NOT UNIQUE (rows 9-16, 19-20), then the same Parent tuple can be parent to more than one group of child tuples. We refer to these as "lattice" relationship types.
If Link_Aggregate_fk and Link_Child_fk are both declared NOT UNIQUE, then the composite key (Link_Aggregate_fk, Link_Child_fk) may or may not be UNIQUE. If (Link_Aggregate_fk, Link_Child_fk) is not UNIQUE, then the same child tuple can occur more than once as a child linked to a single Aggregate tuple. This is another lattice relationship type. Notice than in the most unrestricted case (row 16, no integrity constraints on any foreign key), a parent tuple can occur multiple times as a parent and a child tuple can occur multiple times as child to a parent.
With 3 foreign keys, the Aggregate-Link representation could potentially provide 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 cardinality types. However, foreign key attributes Link_Aggregate_fk and Link_Child_fk should not allow NULLs. (A NULL Link_Aggregate_fk would imply a Link tuple unconnected to any Aggregate tuple. If the intent is that the parent is NULL, this is handled with a NULL Aggregate_Parent_fk. A NULL Link_Child_fk would imply a NULL child. What would that mean?) That would seem to imply 4 x 2 x 2 = 16 integrity constraint combinations, but there are 4 additional variants of Aggregate_Parent_fk for the case where both Link_Aggregate_fk and Link_Child_fk are NOT UNIQUE but the composite (Link_Aggregate_fk, Link_Child_fk) is UNIQUE.
The value of lattice relationships has not been explored.
Page Content first published: November 13, 2007
Page Content last updated: November 13, 2007